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Chat Commands
   Chat commands are cumulative based on your Rank - the higher it is, the more commands you can use.
   If a chat command is not working for you, either your Rank isn't high enough to use it or the command is on cooldown. Some of the commands also only work when the stream is live.
Commands for Everyone
💬 !afk → Use this to let other people know that the Broadcaster is currently afk.
💬 !age <name> → Tells you how long someone has been on Twitch for.
💬 !boo <name> → Use this command to try to scare someone.
💬 !bttv → Lists the channel's BetterTTV emotes you can use in chat.
💬 !cereal → Use this command when the Stream becomes SUPER SERIOUS 😉
💬 !cheers <name> → Use this command to toast with someone and celebrate.
💬 brb → Just type this on the chat when you wanna let other viewers know that you’ll be gone for a bit.
💬 /color <colorname> → Allows you to change the color of your username (Blue, Coral, DodgerBlue, SpringGreen, YellowGreen, Green, OrangeRed, Red, GoldenRod, HotPink, CadetBlue, SeaGreen, Chocolate, BlueViolet, Firebrick).
💬 !commands → Allows users to get a list of commands. Lists Nightbot commands only.
💬 !currency → Displays information about the channel’s currency. This command has a 5 minutes cooldown.
💬 !da → This command retrieves a link for the Broadcaster's DeviantArt channel.
💬 !dailyquote → Returns a quote of the day from BrainyQuote. Types: art, funny, love, and nature.
💬 !dance → Use this to spam some animated dancing emotes in chat.
💬 /disconnect → This command will simply disconnect you from the chat server. To reconnect, simply refresh the page.
💬 !doit <name> → Use this to order someone to do something.
💬 !duel <username> <#stars> → Use this to challenge another viewer for a Stars duel. The other person can then accept or decline. You can duel every 15 minutes.
💬 !ears → To be used by headphone users when their ears are killed by the Broadcaster.
💬 !emotes → Lists the channel's BetterTTV and FrankerFaceZ emotes you can use in chat.
💬 !english → Triggers a "speak English" disclaimer in several languages.
💬 !facebook → This command retrieves a link for the Broadcaster's Facebook channel.
💬 !fail → Use this command to spam facepalm emotes in chat.
💬 !faq → Summons a link to the F.A.Q. document. This command has a 3 minutes cooldown.
💬 !ffz → Lists the channel's FrankerFaceZ emotes you can use in chat.
💬 !flip → Allows you to flip a table to express your inner feelings.
💬 !gg → To be used when someone does or says something nice.
💬 !goals → Displays a link leading to the full list of goals.
💬 !hi5 <name> → Use this command to high-five someone.
💬 !hide → Use this command when you feel an inexplicable need to hide somewhere.
💬 !hug <name> → Allows you to give a hug to another viewer.
💬 !hungry → Use this command when you're craving some food.
💬 !hype → Spams some Hype emotes in chat.
💬 /ignore <name> → Allows you to block all messages from a specific user in chat and whispers if you do not wish to see their comments.
💬 !kappamon → Displays info on how to get your won Kappamon.
💬 !leaderboard → Lists the top 5 and a link to the full leaderboard list.
💬 !lit → Use this command when the stream is lit.
💬 !loo → For those moments when you just gotta go...
💬 !love <name> → Use this to confess your love for someone.
💬 !lurk → This command lets people know you'll just be lurking for a while. Use the !unlurk command when you're back.
💬 /mods → This command will display a list of all chat moderators for that specific channel.
💬 !mystars → Tells you how many Stars you have (works only when the stream is live).
💬 !myweather <location> → Displays the weather for the chosen location.
💬 !no → This command allows you to disagree with something. It can also be used as a negative vote during voting periods.
💬 !pet <name> → Use this to pet someone.
💬 !plz <username> → Allows you to beg to another viewer.
💬 !poll → Summons a poll for you to vote on.
💬 !popcorn → Use this command when you’re ready to just chill and enjoy the stream.
💬 !quote list → This command returns a webpage listing all the quotes.
💬 !rip → Use this when the Broadcaster dies.
💬 !roulette <#stars/all> → Gamble all or a certain amount of your Stars on the Russian roulette. You can gamble every 10 minutes.
💬 !rules → This command returns some info about the chat Rules.
💬 !salt → Use this to spam some salt in chat.
💬 !scared → Use this command when the Stream is getting scary.
💬 !sick → Use this command when you're feeling sick.
💬 !schedule → This command retrieves info about the channel's schedule.
💬 !slots <#stars/all> → Gamble all or a certain amount of your Stars on the slots machine. You can gamble every 5 minutes.
💬 !social → This command will provide links for some of the Broadcaster's social media (Discord, Facebook, Twitter).
💬 !songs current → Will display the title of the current song.
💬 !songs list → Will give a link to view all song requests.
💬 !songs playlist → Will return a link to the channel’s playlist.
💬 !specs → Displays the Broadcaster's PC specifications.
💬 !steam → This command summons a link to the Broadcaster's Steam account, displaying info about the online status and current game.
💬 !stop <name> → Use this command when you want to tell another viewer to stop doing/saying something that upsets you.
💬 !time → This command allows you to know the Broadcaster's current time based on their timezone.
💬 !time <name> → Allows you to know for how long another viewer has been on the stream.
💬 !tip <amount> → Allows you to tip the Broadcaster via StreamElements
💬 !triggered → Use this command when you're furious about something.
💬 !tweet → Retrieves a convenient pre made auto tweet that can be easily shared on Twitter to advertise the channel.
💬 !twitter → This command retrieves a link for the Broadcaster's Twitter channel.
💬 /unignore <name> → Allows you to remove users from your ignore list that you previously added.
💬 !unlurk → This command lets people know you're done lurking.
💬 !uptime → Allows you to know how long the Broadcaster has been streaming for.
💬 !weather → Displays the Broadcaster's location weather.
💬 !wlist → Displays the Broadcaster's games wishlist.
💬 !yes → This command allows you to agree with something. It can also be used as a positive vote during voting periods.
Commands for Everyone - Kappamon
💬 !kappadance → Makes the kappamon dance.
💬 !kappaeat → Makes the kappamon eat.
💬 !kappagreet → Makes the kappamon greet you.

Commands for Regulars
💬 !acorn <name> → Use this command to let someone know how crazy you think they are.
💬 !cheese <name> → Use this command when another viewer is being cheesy.
💬 !define <word> → Use this command to lookup for the definition of a word on the dictionary.
💬 !drunk <name> → Allows you to tell the Broadcaster or another viewer that they're drunk.
💬 !fireworks <name> → Allows you to explode some fireworks in chat.
💬 !flirt <name> → Use this command to flirt with other viewer.
💬 !giveaway → Starts a super secret Giveaway. Or does it?
💬 !glitter → Allows you to spread some glitter over the chat.
💬 !google <keyword> → Use this command to google something for someone.
💬 !guess? → You can ask the Broadcaster to start a Guessing Game. Your request may or may not be granted.
💬 !info → Summons some info about the channel's current status (followers, viewers, uptime, game, fps). This command has a 3 minutes cooldown.
💬 !key → Triggers a random DJ Khaled quote about the key to success.
💬 !kill <name> → Use this command when you want to murder someone in chat.
💬 !koala <name> → Use this command when someone is not koalified for something.
💬 !ltweet → Displays the Broadcaster's last tweet.
💬 !never → Use this command when you are accused of something you would never say or do.
💬 !oak <name> → Allows you to ask someone's gender.
💬 !own <name> → Use this command when another viewer has been owned.
💬 !quote → This command will return a random quote.
💬 !quote list → This command returns a webpage listing all the quotes.
💬 !quote [number] → This command will return a specific quote in the list.
💬 !quote <word> → This command will return a random quote containing a specific word.
💬 !salty <name> → Use this command when another viewer is being salty.
💬 !sassy <name> → Use this command when another viewer is being sassy. 😉
💬 !snow <name> → Do you wanna build a snowman with someone?
💬 !songs request <song info> → The song info can be a YouTube or SoundCloud link / search term or a Spotify track link.
💬 !sweet <name> → Use this command when another viewer is being too sweet.
💬 !touch <name> → Allows you to grab someone's butt.
Commands for Donators / Subscribers
💬 !followage <name> → Allows you to check for how long you or other viewers have been following the channel. Using this command costs 30 Stars.
💬 !joke → Displays a random good-bad joke.
💬 !request <song info> → The song info must be a YouTube iD or artist name and song title.
💬 !shoutout <name> → This command allows you to advertise yours or another viewer’s channel by displaying their channel’s age, the last game they streamed, how many followers they have and a link to their channel. Using this command costs 100 Stars and has a cooldown of 5 minutes.
Commands for Moderators
💬 !addquote <text> → Adds a new quote to the quotes list.
💬 /ban <name> → Allows you to permanently ban a user from the chat room.
💬 !bday → Shows a countdown to the Broadcaster's birthday day.
💬 !clear → Allows the Broadcaster and chat moderators to completely wipe the previous chat history.
💬 !follow <name> → This command allows you to share the love with other Broacasters, by asking people to check their channel and drop a follow.
💬 !game → Shows the stream's current game, and allows moderators to modify it.
💬 !mute → Lets the Broadcaster now that the stream has been accidentally muted.
💬 !permit <name> → This command can be used to allow permitted viewers to post links for a certain time.
💬 /r9kbeta → This command disallows users from posting non-unique messages to the channel. R9K is a unique way of moderating essentially allowing you to stop generic copy-pasted messages intended as spam among over generally annoying content.
💬 /r9kbetaoff → This command will disable R9K mode if it was previously enabled on the channel.
💬 /slow <seconds> → Allows you to set a limit on how often users in the chat room are allowed to send messages (rate limiting).
💬 /slowoff → Allows you to disable slow mode if you had previously set it.
💬 !sound → Lets the Broadcaster now that the stream is no longer muted.
💬 /timeout <name> [seconds] → Allows you to temporarily ban someone from the chat room for 10 minutes by default or for a specific set of time via the optional [seconds] value.
💬 /unban <name> → Allows you to lift a permanent ban on a user from the chat room. You can also use this command to end a ban early; this also applies to timeouts.
⚠️ The Moderators commands may be outdated!

 🔐 Broadcaster Chat Commands 🔐

Feel free to suggest more custom commands you'd like to see and they'll be taken into consideration. 😉

Everyone - Kappamon
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